しげみは私の日本の名前で、重美は私の分身です。 「重美の部屋」は、歌舞伎町にあるエロい泡風呂の店名に聞こえるかもしれませんが、それは私の意識を反映させたものです。 重美の部屋に来ると、鏡は今の自分の姿、額縁は自分の過去の姿、カレンダーは私の自我を表し、日記には私の秘密が書かれています。すべてがそれ自体の投影です。さあ、重美の部屋を覗いてみてください。私の最もコンプリーティドで、最もブロークンな部分がここにあります。
Shigemi(しげみ)is my Japanese name and Shigemi(重美)is one of my doppelgangers. "Shigemi’s Room" may sound a bit like the name of some erotic bubble bath in Kabukicho. It is a large collection of my personal consciousness. When you come to Shigemi’s room , the mirror is a reflection of yourself at the moment, the picture frame is a reflection of your past, the woman on the calendar is who you think you are, and the diary is written in your most secret self. Everything is a projection of myself, it is simultaneously whole and broken, I am intimately connected to my room. Please Come in ,Shigemi’s room, where the most complete and the most broken me is found